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Stress-Free Moving Tips for Students

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Moving home is often considered one of the most stressful times in your life. Whether from one accommodation to the next or going back home for the holidays, it is often the bain for most students' university experience. Being a student, it often feels like you spend much of your year moving to a fro.ย ย 

Whether your parents are hassling you to pack up your room before you leave for your big adventure to university or you are worried about your personal belongings being safe when you come home, we can help. With our student storage, we can help take the load off and act as a central point for all your belongings so you can relax, knowing they are safe and secure.ย 

Early Preparation is Keyย ย 

When it comes to jobs you may not look forward to, it often feels like a heavy weight on your shoulders, and you may find yourself procrastinating and leaving everything to the last minute. However, when it comes to moving out of student accommodation, preparing early can offer significant relief.ย ย 

If you like to be super organised, you could even create a schedule with to-do lists that can be completed throughout this time, leaving the big move day a breeze because most of the jobs will have already been completed in advance.ย 

Lists and Sectioningย ย 

Lists are the best way to organise your time and help break the big task of moving down into more manageable chores. Making a list of all your items and ticking them off can give you an incredible sense of gratification. Then, decide whether you intend to take it with you, leave it at home (or your accommodation), and any leftover items could be boxed up and put into a storage unit, keeping both locations tidy and free from clutter. You can book one of our units for term-time storage or holiday storage, and we offer the most competitive prices for all budgets.ย ย ย Student writing down a list of items she needs to take to university

Another way to break down the big move is to section your space or room into more manageable areas. For example, plan to cover areas in spells; your wardrobe could be task one, your chest of drawers task two, and under your bed could be task three. Having smaller sections can help reduce the overwhelming feelings a move can provide.ย ย 

Get Help Organised From the Startย ย 

Making sure you have the relevant help before beginning to pack will lessen the stress come moving day. Whether you need help moving or dismantling furniture, having the extra hands will help lessen the load and make it a much more enjoyable experience.ย ย ย People helping to move uni items into student accommodation

It is also a good idea to make sure that when it comes to the big day, you have someone to help with transportation. Even if you use your own vehicle, the extra weight and overloading of your car is not healthy and can cause damage if travelling long distances. Ask friends and family for help or recommendations for someone who can. If there is no other option, many removal companies can offer discounts to students, and it may be worth checking with your university for their suggested removal services.ย 

Labels and Boxes Are a Mustย ย 

Although using bags for life and bin bags may feel more accessible, unpacking can become challenging when you get to your new accommodation. Searching through miscellaneous bags for items you need immediately can cause settling-in stress.ย ย 

Boxes offer more protection and better organisation. Unlike a bag, a box will offer a more rigid and stackable structure, preventing your personal belongings from getting broken or damaged in transit. In addition, they provide a perfect surface to ensure correct labelling and itemised content listing. This offers significant ease when unpacking as you can locate the items you wish to put away first. Alternatively, if you plan to put things in storage, it helps remind you of each box's contents after extended periods.ย ย ย Moving boxes ready for university

We offer a broad selection of storage boxes within our box shop. We stock sizes for every item, including conducive wardrobe boxes, protecting your clothes at all stages of the move.ย ย 

Sort Through Clothes Before Movingย 

If you are preparing to move and know you will not use an item of clothing until you have moved out, organise a system in which you pack away items after they have been washed and dried. This can help save you time and packing later down the line, reducing the stress and time needed to pack. It can also be applied to bedding and sheets, saving you from needing to wash when you unpack.ย ย 

If you believe you may have too many clothes or have a significant amount you no longer wear, take the opportunity to reduce what you need to take with you. You could organise three piles, clothes to donate, seasonal clothing, and clothes to take. If you have a considerable amount of seasonal clothing, we have a selection of storage sizes that you can use to rotate your wardrobe without cluttering your room.ย ย ย Uni student looking through clothes to move

Suppose you need any additional storage help whilst at university or returning home. In that case, we have competitive prices across all our storage unit locations and offer storage across various locations in the North West and Scotland, ideal for students.ย ย 

Our Dundee student storage, for example, is a quick 6 minutes from the University of Dundee and Abertay university. So, where ever you are studying, see if we have a unit close to you and book a storage space online.ย ย 
