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Domestic Storage Q&A

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According to the 2024 Self Storage Industry Report, 73% of self-storage customers in the UK are residential; however, only 43% of people surveyed claimed to know what self-storage actually was. At Kangaroo, we think that the knowledge gap is because there are so many questions surrounding self-storage, particularly for domestic customers. So, we thought we would help increase that 43% with a household self-storage Q&A!

We are using our self-storage experience to help answer all your burning questions and provide you with the information and confidence you need to store your household belongings with us.

What Is Domestic Self-Storage?

The first question people need answering before they can confidently use our services is โ€˜What is self-storage?โ€™. In a nutshell, the self-storage industry rents out storage space, whether itโ€™s storage units, pallet space, warehouses, or mailboxes, to individuals and businesses.

Household storage, specifically, is catered to domestic customers who may need some extra space in their home, theyโ€™re moving house and need somewhere temporary to store belongings, or theyโ€™re renovating and need to protect their items.

What Can I Store in My Unit?

If we were to list everything you can store in a unit, we would be here all day, so itโ€™d be easier for us to list the things you canโ€™t store! At Kangaroo, we have certain prohibited items:

  • Anything living like plants and animals.
  • Hazardous materials like explosives and flammables.
  • Unauthorised or illegal items.
  • Things that could decompose, such as foodstuffs.

Why Would I Need Domestic Self-Storage?

There are many reasons that people choose domestic storage, and a lot of the time, people come to us during stressful life events and in times of crises. In these instances, weโ€™re the breath of fresh air you need and provide the extra space and protection of your belongings so you can focus on other aspects of your life. Here are some of the most common reasons people use household self-storage:

However, this is not an exhaustive list โ€“ whatever the reason for needing the extra space, we can accommodate you.

How Long Can I Rent a Storage Unit?

The beauty of self-storage for household use is that itโ€™s completely flexible. At Kangaroo, we have a minimum chargeable storage period, which is 14 days, but you can take out your items whenever you need them again โ€“ even if itโ€™s the next day! If youโ€™re looking for a solution a little more long-term, thatโ€™s okay, too. You can keep your items in your unit for as long as you need; weeks, months, years, itโ€™s completely up to you. All you need to do is give us 14 daysโ€™ notice of your intention to leave.

What Happens If I Need More or Less Space?

Again, flexibility is one of the main reasons people choose self-storage, and upgrading and downsizing your unit size fits into this as well. If you need more space, just let us know, and if we have the space available, weโ€™ll be more than happy to allow you to move in. Similarly, if you donโ€™t think youโ€™re using your unit to its full potential, thatโ€™s fine! Talk to the team, and we will move you into a smaller space so you can get the most out of your money.

Is Self-Storage Secure?

In short, yes! Self-storage is a safer and more secure alternative to keeping your belongings at home, in a garage, or in an empty building. At Kangaroo, we have 24/7 CCTV, smoke and burglar alarms, and individual padlocks on each unit, so you can rest assured that only you (or those you give keys to) have access to your unit.

How Much Is Domestic Self-Storage?

This is a trickier question to answer as there are a few factors that go into the price of your storage unit. It largely depends on the size you choose โ€“ of course, smaller units will be cheaper, and larger spaces will cost more. The best thing to do is check out our unit sizes on our website or request a quote online to get an accurate estimate of how much it will cost. Please note, though, we offer a fantastic range of deals and offers depending on your location, so speak to our team to find out which incentives you can benefit from!

When Can I Access My Storage Unit?

Here comes the flexibility benefit again! In theory, you can access your storage unit whenever you need to. Whether itโ€™s three in the morning or lunchtime, we can accommodate access โ€“ just let us know if you need extended hours or 24/7 access, and this can be made available. This is perfect for our domestic customers who may work nights or are catching a flight in the early hours of the morning and need quick access to their unit.

Does My Home Insurance Cover My Storage Unit?

No, most home insurance policies donโ€™t automatically insure your items when theyโ€™re in storage. Because of this, you must make sure you arrange for cover before you start storing with us, and our staff will ask you to confirm this when you sign your agreement.

Are Household Storage Units Accessible?

At most of our locations, youโ€™ll encounter stairs and long corridors, but we also have lifts available to make getting your items to and from your unit easier. However, if you require a little more accessibility, we recommend taking advantage of our drive-up storage units. You can, quite literally, drive to the door of your unit, load and unload, and drive away again โ€“ itโ€™s simple!

Can My Family and Friends Share My Storage Unit?

As mentioned, each storage unit has an individual padlock, which you must bring yourself. If you donโ€™t have a padlock, you can purchase one at our Box Shop either online or at any of our storage sites. By keeping your unit secure this way, only people with the key can access your belongings. So, if youโ€™d like a friend or family member to be able to access your unit, thatโ€™s entirely up to you.

Is There Anything Else I Need to Know Before Using Domestic Self-Storage?

While weโ€™ve covered most of the common questions about household storage, we understand you may still want some more information before you decide if itโ€™s the right choice for you. If so, you can head over to our FAQ page, where weโ€™ve provided the answers to many more general self-storage questions. Or, if you have something more specific to ask, please donโ€™t hesitate to get in touch, and a member of our friendly and knowledgeable team will be more than happy to help.

However, if you have all the information and are ready to start storing, hop on over to your nearest Kangaroo today:
