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Kangaroo Property

Kangaroo Self Storage is a UK-based self storage company with facilities in prime regional locations throughout Scotland and the North West of England.  

We are constantly looking to expand our portfolio through the acquisition of appropriate development sites and existing self storage centres in selected locations across the UK.

Suitable sites should be:

Freehold or long leasehold
Good access
Main road frontage or prominent position at the front of an industrial estate
Out-with the M25
Minimum site of 0.75 acre
Gross Sq Ft of 30,000 โ€“ 60,000
Minimum eaves height of 5m
Large population within short drive time
Low site cover
Fees payable to non-retained agents.

We will also consider:

Joint ventures
Third-party management agreements
Please contact our Acquisitions and Development Manager with suitable opportunities.
Email Us
Office Space
Drive-up Units
Business Units
Car Parking
Boxes & Packaging
Travel Incentives
Business Units
24/7 Access
Free Wi-Fi
Forklift service
Our Offers